The Oncoming Storm, A Doctor Who Spinoff Media Podcast, is brought to you by Mad Norwegian's Josh Wilson and Timegate's Ashley Raburn, along with Jeff Polier and Rachel Stewart. The Oncoming Storm exists to inform you about the best and brightest books, audios, comics, etc from the Doctor Who universe! From Big Finish to Virgin Books to Titan Comics... This is the Doctor Who you won't find on television!
The Oncoming Storm Ep 10: BF # 7 - Davros? We Don't Need No Stinking Davros!

It's the big 1-0 for Ashley and Josh as they put out their tenth episode of The Oncoming Storm! They are celebrating their small anniversary in style with the Daleks! Yes, its the story that brought back the Dalek voice, The Genocide Machine by Mike Tucker. We're finally back on an alien planet this week and we have a returning monster! No frilly collars here, just ray guns and talking rain drops. But is the story in the same class as Remembrance, or does it fall to the level of Daleks Take Mahattan? Listen to find out, as Josh and Ashley talk everything from just how crazy our favorite pepperpots are to the differences in Dalek voice operators, complete with Ashley impressions! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got fascist, genocidal, alien Nazi allegories! And the talking rain.

Direct download: Oncoming_Storm_Ep_10.mp3
Category:Doctor Who -- posted at: 7:09pm EST

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